Welcome to the the Tampa CoOp

The Tampa CoOp is a group of carrier network engineers who joined together and secured colocation in the premier downtown datacenter in Tampa. We're friends tired of "BroLo" or buddy based colo, who depend on our servers for our personal, business and customer needs.

We offer shared space in a facility in downtown tampa for your servers with 24/7 member access. The facility offers some of the best connectivity in Tampa with over 25 carriers, access to the Tampa Internet Exchange, and our IP upstream peers directly with over 380 different ASN's.

We offer services at cost to our members with minimal overhead costs. As use grows, pricing drops accordingly. All connectivity is dedicated; we will not oversell bandwidth, and ensure the uplink to our providers always has sufficient bandwidth to handle the entire membership at full commit.

Commercial use is expressly permitted and intended. Members may conduct any legal business services, and make money doing it. The only restriction is on access; customers of members are not permitted independent physical access to the facility.

We have a NMS setup for bandwidth tracking and power tracking, all members have view and use of it.

Members are bound by our service agreement, and are co-terminus with our commitments to our providers. Members must be familiar with how to conduct themselves in a shared cololocation facility. Each member is vetted and new members are only admitted with the consent of the CoOp membership.

The membership consists of space, power and bandwidth. Membership is not always open, as once the open capacity is used, we will waitlist new expansion until we have a 50% commit on expansion.

Our minimum share is 325 watts 208 VAC, 3RU (5.25") space and 1 meg 95th percentile burstable to 10 gig ($2/meg over) with a /28 of IPv4 and /48 IPv6. 1 Mbps at full usage is about 3240 gigabytes/month of transfer. Members have access to redundant 10g switching for server interconnect.

As of May 2024, this is about:

One time member fee (NRC): $370.00
Montly costs: $72.09

Actual costs will vary slightly.

Members are free to buy dedicated services, cross connects, power, etc. at cost.

Services offered:

We have a RIPE Atlas probe installed for testing and members may use credits as needed.

If the above is confusing or unfamiliar, or you're looking for web hosting, we are not for you. However if you do grok the preceding, we may be a good fit.

If you are intrested please email us at: info at Tampa.CoOp